<% include($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/tertiary-jurisdiction/tertiary-jurisdiction-telecom.inc")%> | | View RegistrationFor more information about the registration of telecommunications companies that are not incumbent telecommunications companies see North Dakota Century Code Section 49-03.1-09 (12 kb pdf) (opens new window) Company Name: | NPCR, Inc. |
Entity Type: | Foreign Corporation |
Sec of State System ID: | 17018100 |
Mailing Address: | 4500 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033 |
| United States of America |
| Street Address: | 4500 Carillon Point Kirkland, WA 98033 |
| United States of America |
| Telephone: | 425-576-3600 |
Company Web Address: | www.nextelpartners.com |
Other names under which the company does business, if any: Name | Sec of State System ID |
Nextel Partners | 17077700 | Nextel Partners | 17077800 | Nextel Partners | 17077900 | Nextel Partners | 17078000 |
Names under which the company has registered with the North Dakota Secretary of State: Company Name | Sec of State System ID |
NPCR, Inc. | 17077700 | Nextel Partners Operating Corp. | 17077800 | Nextel Partners Equipment Corp. | 17077900 | Nextel WIP Lease Corp. | 17078000 | Nextel Partners Equipment Corp. | 17018400 | Nextel Partners Operating Corp. | 17018200 | Company contact that consumers may use for complaints or inquiries:Toll Free: | 888-566-6111 |
Email: | |
Company ServicesCommercial Mobile Radio Services RevocationThis company reports that it has not had its authority to provide service revoked in any jurisdiction.
<% include($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/includes/footer2.inc")%> |