Public Awareness: Consumer Information
You Should Know (YSK)
These are consumer information brochures developed by the ND Public Service Commission.
- About the ND Public Service Commission: GO-1 (241kb pdf)
- AML Subsidence: Ask Before You Build: AML-1 (343kb pdf)
- Blasting and Explosives: R-3 (230kb pdf)
- Citizen Participation in Surface Coal Mining Regulatory Program: R-1 (212kb pdf)
- Coal Mining and Reclamation: R-7 (200kb pdf)
- Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting: PUD-1 (276kb pdf)
- Excess Flow Valves (for natural gas lines): PUD/G-2 (209kb pdf)
- Filing a Formal Complaint with the PSC: GO-2 (172kb pdf)
- Filing a Weights and Measures Related Complaint: WM-3 (219kb pdf)
- Filing an Informal Complaint: PUD-3 (226kb pdf)
- Gas Pipeline Safety: PS-1 (219kb pdf)
- Mine Inspections: R-4 (207kb pdf)
- ND's Mineral Resources: R-8 (186kb pdf)
- Participation and Process in Major Utility Cases: PUD-2 (225kb pdf)
- Performance Bond: R-5 (239kb pdf)
- Protection from Electric and Natural Gas Disconnections: PUD/E-1 (251kb pdf)
- Protection from Telephone Disconnects: PUD/T-5 (278kb pdf)
- Revegetation of Mined Lands: R-6 (212kb pdf)
- Slamming: PUD/T-1 (248kb pdf)
- Tips for Telephone Service: PUD/T-6 (251kb pdf)
- Waste Disposal in Surface Mines: R-2 (167kb pdf)
- Your Gas Bill: PUD/G-1 (242kb pdf)
- Weights and Measures Consumer Tips: WM-2 (220kb pdf)
- What is Weights and Measures?: WM-1 (189kb pdf)
For information about the federal Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program, please use the following links:
- Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program (Note that this is a federal program adminstered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). You will be directed to their website.
- Lifeline Companies in North Dakota