Public Awareness: Consumer Information
You Should Know (YSK)
These are consumer information brochures developed by the ND Public Service Commission.
- About the ND Public Service Commission: GO-1 (241kb pdf)
- AML Subsidence: Ask Before You Build: AML-1 (343kb pdf)
- Blasting and Explosives: R-3 (230kb pdf)
- Citizen Participation in Surface Coal Mining Regulatory Program: R-1 (212kb pdf)
- Coal Mining and Reclamation: R-7 (200kb pdf)
- Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting: PUD-1 (276kb pdf)
- Excess Flow Valves (for natural gas lines): PUD/G-2 (209kb pdf)
- Filing a Formal Complaint with the PSC: GO-2 (172kb pdf)
- Filing a Weights and Measures Related Complaint: WM-3 (219kb pdf)
- Filing an Informal Complaint: PUD-3 (226kb pdf)
- Gas Pipeline Safety: PS-1 (219kb pdf)
- Mine Inspections: R-4 (207kb pdf)
- ND's Mineral Resources: R-8 (186kb pdf)
- Participation and Process in Major Utility Cases: PUD-2 (225kb pdf)
- Performance Bond: R-5 (239kb pdf)
- Protection from Electric and Natural Gas Disconnections: PUD/E-1 (251kb pdf)
- Protection from Telephone Disconnects: PUD/T-5 (278kb pdf)
- Responsibilities of Auctioneers/Auction Clerks: AU-1 (235kb pdf)
- Revegetation of Mined Lands: R-6 (212kb pdf)
- Slamming: PUD/T-1 (248kb pdf)
- Tips for Telephone Service: PUD/T-6 (251kb pdf)
- Waste Disposal in Surface Mines: R-2 (167kb pdf)
- Your Gas Bill: PUD/G-1 (242kb pdf)
- Weights and Measures Consumer Tips: WM-2 (220kb pdf)
- What is Weights and Measures?: WM-1 (189kb pdf)
For information about the Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program, please use the following links:
- Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program (Note that a certificate from social services stating that you qualify is needed in order to apply in North Dakota. For questions about qualification, please contact your county social service office or the state Department of Human Services at 701-328-2310).
- Lifeline Companies in North Dakota